January 21, 2025


Designing done right

Isaac Mizrahi & Magic Kids – Review – Is This a Legitimate Home Business Opportunity?

Wikipedia states that Isaac Mizrahi is an American fashion designer and the creative director of Liz Claiborne. Magic Kids professes to be a high-income home based business opportunity. There can be no challenging the accomplishments of Isaac Mizrahi, the fashion designer, but is he affiliated with Magic Kids and whether he is or not, does Magic Kids, Inc provide a legitimate home based business opportunity?

Magic Kids is promoted and marketed through direct sales letters. The letters target home based business opportunity seekers. A list broker probably generated the names through advertising and then sold them to Magic Kids. This method of marketing in not an unpopular form or marketing and can be very successful.

Magic Kids direct sales letter is 16 pages in length. The letter includes such statements as “I guarantee your success – at least $1,500 your first 30 Days (but probably much more) – or You Pay Nothing!” It’s a well written sales letter and I’m sure they receive a good response from the letter or they wouldn’t continue to use it in their marketing efforts.

The letter goes on to give testimonials, but no contact information for these people giving the testimonials. The letter states Magic Kids needs someone in your area to help and they’re accepting just a small, “limited number of distributors nationwide to start.” Again, a well written sales letter component and a piece of their marketing strategy, the letter details how and why this home based business opportunity can work for you in the full 16 page letter. I won’t go into anymore detail here. You’re probably reading this review because you’ve received the letter and are doing your due diligence.

Next, clearly Magic Kids is using some successful marketing techniques which are keys to success in any business, home based business, corporation or government for that matter. People need to know you’re in business and that’s done through marketing. YOU, as a home based business opportunity seeker need to know how to market yourself and any opportunity you choose to pursue.

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