Rent a Room Accommodation for Visitors
Norwich being one of the tourist hotspots, there is the ample need for the provision of the accommodation of the travellers. Though there are various options available, like the bed and breakfast, the holiday cottages, inns etc, the travellers who have not decided on their duration of their stay or tourists who will stay for a very long time, the most convenient option would be to rent a property. The Central Hotel, which is a bed and breakfast, also rents properties according to the demands of the consumer.
Other than tourists, there are contract workers who come down to the city for work. For them this renting of the rooms is a good alternative for lodging. The workers can share or more commonly known as the flatshare. Families who have also come down for a vacation and yet cannot afford the hotel tariffs, these rent a rooms are a feasible choice for them.
Customers have various options; they can either book the whole flat or even share an apartment whichever is more convenient for them. The customers also have the option to keep the whole property to themselves if they want. The property has fixed rates. The tariff will be all-inclusive; it will include all the utility bills and all other outstanding amount. The tariff will also depend on the duration of the stay. Nevertheless, a minimum deposit has to be submitted to the property owner. The time limit, of the stay, should be more than one month. Once the rates and all the nitty-gritties have been discussed the accommodation is made immediately available to the consumer.
For the new owners who want to enter the business of renting their property, they can contact The Central Hotel. If the property has three four spare rooms, which can be modified into bedsits (a combined bedroom and sitting room) and a common bathroom, the property can be turned into an accommodation place. The property then will fall under the category of Houses in Multiple Occupation or HMOs. They can also be contacted for the change in the tariff rates.
The various available houses/apartments are Rosary Road, Stracey Road, Three Score, Chapelfield (City Centre), Thorpe road etc. Each of the houses/rooms available for rent is designed specific according to the visitor. For example, the house on the Rosary Road has seven bedrooms, three shower rooms and a community kitchen. There is also a small courtyard. Another example is the Chapelfied situated in the City Centre mainly caters to the category of contractual workers, exchange and language students and telecom engineers. They have ensuite rooms and it is more adjusted for the transient visitor category.