February 7, 2025


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FREE Classifieds-Advertising: Your Online Work From Home Business

If you are on a shoestring budget and need to find cheap advertising on the internet there is nothing cheaper than FREE classifieds and they are literally everywhere you look.

The trick to FREE classified advertising is quantity and testing. Test every ad that you run. And you are going to have to submit hundreds of ads every week. Once you have found a dozen or so classified sites that are working for you, you can concentrate less on posting ads and more on finding new sites that work. Stop using all the classified sites that do not produce results.

Finding good classified sites to advertise on is relatively simple. Just do a search on your favorite search engine for keywords such as free work from home classifieds and you will find lots of FREE classified sites to advertise to. You want sites that are listed on the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. These sites are already getting good targeted traffic that you need. And if they are listed by Google and Yahoo there is a good chance that your link will get picked up the next time thy crawl the classified site which should help boost your link popularity.

Before posting free ads I STRONGLY recommend that you set up an extra business e-mail address. Free classifieds are free for a reason: When you post ads you will receive “confirmation e-mails” that your ad was posted. If you post to classified networks you can receive hundreds of confirmation e-mails per day. You can set up a free Hotmail or Yahoo account. Once a week I recommend that you clean up your e-mail account by deleting all e-mails so the inbox doesn’t get full.

Try to stay focused when you post ads. It’s easy to get attracted by some advertising that says: “post 2000 ads here” or “this submit software post to 500.000 sites with a click of a button” or something similar. You will find a lot of attractive offers on those sites because they know that you are a targeted customer! One good rule is: You will never find anyone advertising effective advertising. Logic: If the advertising is effective it will be used by the owner itself. Submission software’s are useless; because they post to sites no real humans visit. All good classified ad sites have protection against these software’s. Posting manually or with the help of a typing program like AdWizard are the best methods (the only methods). But if you want to try a free service that post to over three million sites go here: http://www.worldsubmitter.com And PLEASE follow my advice and use your business e-mail address this time.

Do not spam FREE classified sites. Most have guidelines on how often you can post. Follow these guidelines precisely or risk being banned from placing more classified ads. I once found a really good business opportunity classified site that was converting great so I decided to post more and more ads. The FREE classified site owner recognized this and banned me for not following the rules. Do not fall into this trap.

There is one tool that is essential to posting free classified ads and it’s called AdWizard. You can download a copy for free at the following web page: http://www.wavget.com/adwizard.html

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